Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission will open in December 2024.




NEW! All accepted abstracts from SERGS 2025 conference will be published in the next issue of The Console - official publication of SERGS!

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Authors must follow the following guidelines for abstract submissions:

  • All abstracts must be submitted in English and must be presented in English at the Congress.
  • Submitted abstracts must be original. Abstracts previously published or presented at an international scientific meeting cannot be submitted.
  •  Abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts and selected on the basis of merit for oral or poster presentation.
  • Authors should indicate whether they prefer a poster or an oral presentation.


Video format, film duration

o The time of the video will not exceed 6 minutes of time.

o There will be no audio (no headphones or speakers) available on site. Kindly add subtitles if relevant.

o In the opening of the video, include the name of the author, the title of the video, institution name and contact details. The last slide of the video must include the conclusions and acknowledgments.

o Include the name of the author and the title of the video into each frame (to be visible on screen at all times).

o Please save the file with your first and last name, followed by your abstract number e.g. John Smith, Abstract#12

o Format can be either 4:3 or 16:9. Video format accepted are .mov, .avi, .mp4, .wmv and maximum file size is 3072MB or 3 GB.

o Use at least HD quality.


Authorizations / Legal aspects

o Make sure patients appearing in your movie are not recognizable. In case a patient's face is visible, please add a black square over the eyes.

o The movie should be no commercial for companies. You should aim for a company based neutral movie. However, it is ok, if brand names are visible.

o Be sure to obtain the affirmation of the copyright holder whenever you use work of other authors e.g. schematic drawings.


Evaluation criteria:

  • Meaningful interpretation
  • Attractiveness and clarity of presentation
  • Originality and interest of the subject



opens in January 2025.


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