Why Attend

SERGS 2024,  is the official International Annual Meeting of the  Society of the European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery (SERGS).

The SERGS conference series is an international stage for the latest developments in research and practice in the field of Robotc Gynaecological Surgery.

SERGS 2024  benefits for delegates

  • Hear and meet speakers among the world leaders in Robotic Gynaecological Surgery
  • Watch top surgeons perform live surgery
  • Learn from the best in your field and network with other specialists
  • Share ideas with professionals from other specialties with different perspectives
  • Enrich your practice by learning more about topics related to your field in just 3 days
  • Participate in interactive sessions with opportunities to question leading experts in a variety of topics of interest


Don't miss out the unique opportunity to advance your knowledge and impact your daily practice,
Sign-up Now for the SERGS 2024 Newsletter!


opens in January 2025.


SERGS 2025 Programme

Coming soon!

SERGS 2025 Newsletter

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