Oral presentations schedule
YEARS Session - June 8th 11:00
11:00-11:07 | Robotic surgery in endometrial cancer patients – first Polish experience | M. Bizoń1, 2, M. Olszewski1, 2, K. Mawlichanów2, R. Pilka2, 3 |
11:07-11:14 | Da Vinci Robot-Assisted TLH BSO: A case of densely adherent bladder | R. Karkia, C. Uwins, J. Chatterjee |
11:14-11:21 | Patient-specific anatomical 3D models of the female pelvis in robotic urogynecological presurgical planning: comparison of post-processing software for contrast-enhanced CT segmentation | G. Misasi1, A. Giannini1 , G. Albanesi1 M.D., G. Aringhieri2, E. Russo1, C. Zito1, M. Carbone3, R. Tintori2, M. Caretto1, P. Mannella1, R. Morganti4 , V. Ferrari3, D. Caramella2, T. Simoncini1 |
11:21-11:28 | Evaluation of robotic exposure among gynecological surgeons: Preliminary results of survey from the Young European Advocates of Robotic Surgery (YEARS) | S. Fernandez-Gonzalez1, C. Uwins2, E. Karatrasoglou3, A. Amirthanayagam4, A. Muñoz Solano5, C. Collet6, D. Galvin7, D. El-Hamamsy8, M. Manpreet Kaur9 |
11:28-11:35 | Robotic in bag morcellation - Simple step by step technique | S. Wali, M. Kaur, J. Ahmed, A. Raza |
11:35-11:42 | WHEN THE GOLD STANDARD FAILS: INFECTION AND VAGINAL MESH EROSION AFTER CERVICOSACROPEXY | M. Caretto1, I. Catrambone1, A. Giannini1, E. Russo1, T. Simoncini1 |
Thursday June 8 | ||
17.00-18.00 | Chairs: M. Nobbenhuis (UK), G. Vorgias (Greece) | |
17.00-17.06 | Robotic technology failures in gynaecological cancer surgery are rare but emphasise the need of ongoing training and education of theatre staff. | M.H.D. Taniacao, N. Gomes, M.A. Shiraz, M. Nobbenhuis and T. Ind |
17.06-17.12 | Robotic surgery in deep infiltrating endometriosis: infertility outcomes | L. Del Secco, I. Catrambone, A. Panattoni, F. Papini, V. Cela |
17.12-17.18 | Robotic mesh supported pectopexy for apical prolapse | R. Torres1, A. Palmas2, L. V. Pinto1 H. Nabais1 |
17.18-17.24 | Impact of Surgery on Surgeon Health (ISSUE): Route of surgery and cognitive workload | A.Amirthanayagam1, M. Zecca2,S. Barber3,4, B. Singh5, E.L Moss1,6 |
17.24-17.30 | Fluorescent-image-guided pelvic lymph node dissection with radical hysterectomy using the da Vinci SP robotic platform | Young Joo Lee1, Yong Jae Lee1, Jung-Yun Lee1, Eun Ji Nam1, Sunghoon Kim1, Young Tae Kim1, Sang Wun Kim1* |
17.30-17.36 | Robotic surgery 10-years’ experience of single gynecological center | Prof. Alexandr Popov, Anton Fedorov, Alexey Koval, Svetlana Tyurina, Elena Efremova, Yulia Sopova, Mikhail Belousov, Alexandr Idashkin, Ivan Kloushnikov, German Nessen, Anna Chereshnevskaya, Gevorg Saribekia |
17.36-17.42 | Sentinel Lymph Node Detection in robotic surgery, in early stage endometrial cancer | M.GABBANINI (1), A.GATTI (1), G.CENTINI (2), E.ZUPI (2) |
17.42-17.48 | Robotic-assisted laparoscopy (RAL) versus conventional laparoscopic surgery (CL) for severe endometriosis in a BSGE accredited Endometriosis Centre- preliminary results | Z. Koukouli, K. Coombe, B. Whitlow |
17.48-18.00 | Discussion | |
Friday June 9 | ||
8.00-9.00 | Chairs: E. Karatrasoglou (Greece), D. Bolovis (Germany) | |
8.00-8.06 | Recurrence rate and survival of endometrial cancer patients treated with robotic surgery. | Pickering M, Nikolopoulos M, Mitsopoulos V, Biliatis I, Innamaa Α, Lippiatt J |
8.12-8.18 | Impact of patient body mass index on post-operative recovery from robotic-assisted hysterectomy | A Amirthanayagam1, M Wood2, L Teece3, A Ismail2, R Leighton4, A Jacob4, S Chattopadhyay2, Q Davies2, EL Moss1,2 |
8.18-8.24 | Two-step sentinel lymph node mapping in endometrial cancer staging using the da Vinci SP system | K. Seon, Y. Lee, J. Lee, E. Nam, S. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Kim |
8.24-8.30 | ROBOTIC COLPOPEXY AND CERVICOPEXY: A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE | J.M. Martínez-García; P. Ledesma-Díaz; R. Guevara; M. Barahona; M. Campos; J. Ponce |
8.30-8.36 | ROBOTIC TREATMENT FOR SYMPTOMATIC ISTHMOCELE: VIDEO CASE REPORT | J.M. Martínez-García; M. Barahona, M; A. García-Tejedor; M. Castilla-Rodriguez; S. Pérez-Cartón; J. Ponce |
8.36-8.42 | MIRRORS ICG: perfusion assessment using Indocyanine green (ICG) peritoneal angiography during robotic interval cytoreductive surgery for advanced ovarian cancer | C.Uwins1, A. Michael2,3, S. Skene4, H. Patel1, P. Ellis1, J. Chatterjee1, A.Tailor1, S. Butler-Manuel1 |
8.42-8.48 | Robot-assisted transabdominal cerclage | M. Janošík1,2, P. Dzvinčuk1,2, R. Pilka1,2, K. Sobková1,2, S. Buláková1,2 |
8.48-9.00 | Discussion | |
16.00-17.00 | Chairs: R. Sinha (India), V. Kapetanakis (Greece) | |
16.00-16.06 | Uterine manipulators, an unnecessary expense: Retrospective single centre study comparing intra-operative outcomes with and without a uterine manipulator in total robotic hysterectomy (TRH) | G. Yongue1, O. Elyashiv1, A. Olaitan1, D. Chandrasekaran1 |
16.06-16.12 | Unidirectional Barbed Versus Single Layer Conventional Suture for Vaginal Cuff Closure in Robotic Hysterectomy: A prospective trial | A. Bahadur, M. Ajmani, R. Mundhra, L. Chawla |
16.12-16.18 | Da Vinci SP Robot-assisted myomectomy in patient with uterine didelphys | Ji Eun Lee, MD, Yong Jae Lee, MD, PhD, Jung-Yun Lee, MD, PhD, Eun Ji Nam, MD, PhD, Sunghoon Kim, MD, PhD, Young Tae Kim, MD, PhD, and Sang Wun Kim, MD, PhD |
16.18-16.24 | Minimal invasive abdominal sacral colpopexy and abdominal lateral suspension: a prospective, open-label, multicenter, non-inferiority trial | S. Macaluso, E. Russo1 , M. Montt Guevara1 , K. Gorkem Sacinti1,2 , G. Misasi1 , M. Falcone1 , R. Morganti3 ,L. Mereu4 , F. Dalprà5 , S. Tateo6 ,T. Simoncini1 |
16.24-16.30 | Hand control Stuck during da Vinci xi Robotic hysterectomy : A troubleshooting approach! | Dr. Rama Joshi |
16.30-16.36 | Robotic excision of stage 4 endometriosis: Combining technology with basic surgical steps | S. Wali, N. Dixon, J. Ahmed, M. Kaur, A. Raza |
16.36-16.42 | Surgical treatment of colorectal endometriosis with NOSE technique in robotic surgery | Alexandr Popov, Anton Fedorov, Alexey Koval, Tamana Khabibullakh, Mikhail Belousov, Yulia Sopova, Svetlana Tyurina, Vlada Troshina |
16.42-16.48 | Comparison of perioperative outcomes of robotic, laparoscopic and abdominal myomectomy | A Jin Lee1, Seung-Hyuk Shim1, Ji Young Hwang1, Kyeong A So1, Sun Joo Lee1, Tae Jin Kim1 |
16.48-17.00 | Discussion | |
Saturday, June 10 | ||
9.00-10.00 | Chairs: A. Vlachos (Greece), P. Hiridis (Greece) | |
9.00-9.06 | Robotic removal of Neuroendocrine Tumor during hysterectomy | S. Macaluso, Del Secco L. MD, Papini F. MD, Panattoni A. MD, Massimello F. MD, Simoncini T. MD PhD, Cela V. MD PhD |
9.06-9.12 | A retrospective single-centre analysis of sentinel lymph-node biopsy in robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery for early stage endometrial cancer | F. Massimello, C. Maggiorano, C. Scandurra, A. Giannini, G. Noti, L. Sergiampietri, M. Caretto, F. Papini, A. Perutelli, P. Mannella, V. Cela, T. Simoncini |
9.12-9.18 | Robotic assisted laparoscopic gynaecological and gynaecological oncological procedures: single surgeon experience | S. Dhevi1,R.R. Ranade1,A. Kulkarni2, T. James1 |
9.18-9.24 | Implementation of robotic surgery for gynecological conditions: an initial report on patient safety from a large hospital in Italy | T. Bignardi¹, M. L. Interdonato¹, L. Ceppi¹, L. Marchetta², M. Palucci², C. I. Aquino³, M. G. Meroni¹ |
9.24-9.30 | Vesicovaginal fistula repair: a video demonstration of the robotically assisted (da Vinci X) laparoscopic approach | E. Tsakos1,2,3, E.Μ. Xydias1,2,4, A.C. Ziogas4, G. Karydas3, V. Moros5, V. Poulakis5 |
9.30 - 9.36 | Sentinel lymph node mapping in robotic-assisted surgery for early-stage cervical cancer: IEO experience | M. Gaiano 1, G. Schivardi 2, S. Bruni 2, I. Betella 2, F. Multinu 2, A. Garbi 2, M.T. Achilarre 2, V. Zanagnolo 2 |
9.36-9.42 | 3D robotics | P. Giampaolino |
9.42-9.48 | The Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy (Lateral VEIL) procedure | Arunava Roy, Soumi Banerjee, Jaydip Bhaumik |
9.48-10.00 | Discussion |
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