Oral presentations schedule

YEARS Session - June 8th 11:00

11:00-11:07 Robotic surgery in endometrial cancer patients – first Polish experience M. Bizoń1, 2, M. Olszewski1, 2, K. Mawlichanów2, R. Pilka2, 3
11:07-11:14 Da Vinci Robot-Assisted TLH BSO: A case of densely adherent bladder R. Karkia, C. Uwins, J. Chatterjee
11:14-11:21 Patient-specific anatomical 3D models of the female pelvis in robotic urogynecological presurgical planning: comparison of post-processing software for contrast-enhanced CT segmentation G. Misasi1, A. Giannini1 , G. Albanesi1 M.D., G. Aringhieri2, E. Russo1, C. Zito1, M. Carbone3, R. Tintori2, M. Caretto1, P.  Mannella1, R. Morganti4 , V. Ferrari3, D. Caramella2, T. Simoncini1
11:21-11:28 Evaluation of robotic exposure among gynecological surgeons: Preliminary results of survey from the Young European Advocates of Robotic Surgery (YEARS)  S. Fernandez-Gonzalez1, C. Uwins2, E. Karatrasoglou3, A. Amirthanayagam4, A. Muñoz Solano5, C. Collet6, D. Galvin7,  D. El-Hamamsy8,  M. Manpreet Kaur9
11:28-11:35 Robotic in bag morcellation - Simple step by step technique S. Wali, M. Kaur, J. Ahmed, A. Raza


Thursday June 8
17.00-18.00 Chairs: M. Nobbenhuis (UK), G. Vorgias (Greece)
17.00-17.06 Robotic technology failures in gynaecological cancer surgery are rare but emphasise the need of ongoing training and education of theatre staff. M.H.D. Taniacao, N. Gomes, M.A. Shiraz, M. Nobbenhuis and T. Ind
17.06-17.12 Robotic surgery in deep infiltrating endometriosis: infertility outcomes L. Del Secco, I. Catrambone, A. Panattoni, F. Papini, V. Cela
17.12-17.18 Robotic mesh supported pectopexy for apical prolapse R. Torres1, A. Palmas2, L. V. Pinto1 H. Nabais1
17.18-17.24 Impact of Surgery on Surgeon Health (ISSUE): Route of surgery and cognitive workload A.Amirthanayagam1, M. Zecca2,S. Barber3,4, B. Singh5, E.L Moss1,6
17.24-17.30 Fluorescent-image-guided pelvic lymph node dissection with radical hysterectomy using the da Vinci SP robotic platform Young Joo Lee1, Yong Jae Lee1, Jung-Yun Lee1, Eun Ji Nam1, Sunghoon Kim1, Young Tae Kim1, Sang Wun Kim1*
17.30-17.36 Robotic surgery 10-years’ experience of single gynecological center Prof. Alexandr Popov, Anton Fedorov, Alexey Koval, Svetlana Tyurina, Elena Efremova, Yulia Sopova, Mikhail Belousov, Alexandr Idashkin, Ivan Kloushnikov, German Nessen, Anna Chereshnevskaya, Gevorg Saribekia
17.36-17.42 Sentinel Lymph Node Detection in robotic surgery, in early stage endometrial cancer M.GABBANINI (1), A.GATTI (1), G.CENTINI (2), E.ZUPI (2)
17.42-17.48 Robotic-assisted laparoscopy (RAL) versus conventional laparoscopic surgery (CL) for severe endometriosis in a BSGE accredited Endometriosis Centre- preliminary results Z. Koukouli, K. Coombe, B. Whitlow
17.48-18.00 Discussion
Friday June 9
8.00-9.00 Chairs: E. Karatrasoglou (Greece), D. Bolovis (Germany)
8.00-8.06 Recurrence rate and survival of endometrial cancer patients treated with robotic surgery.  Pickering M, Nikolopoulos M, Mitsopoulos V, Biliatis I, Innamaa Α, Lippiatt J
8.12-8.18 Impact of patient body mass index on post-operative recovery from robotic-assisted hysterectomy A Amirthanayagam1, M Wood2, L Teece3, A Ismail2, R Leighton4, A Jacob4, S Chattopadhyay2, Q Davies2, EL Moss1,2
8.18-8.24 Two-step sentinel lymph node mapping in endometrial cancer staging using the da Vinci SP system K. Seon, Y. Lee, J. Lee, E. Nam, S. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Kim
8.24-8.30 ROBOTIC COLPOPEXY AND CERVICOPEXY: A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE  J.M. Martínez-García; P. Ledesma-Díaz; R. Guevara; M. Barahona; M. Campos; J. Ponce
8.30-8.36 ROBOTIC TREATMENT FOR SYMPTOMATIC ISTHMOCELE: VIDEO CASE REPORT J.M. Martínez-García; M. Barahona, M; A. García-Tejedor; M. Castilla-Rodriguez; S. Pérez-Cartón; J. Ponce
8.36-8.42 MIRRORS ICG: perfusion assessment using Indocyanine green (ICG) peritoneal angiography during robotic interval cytoreductive surgery for advanced ovarian cancer C.Uwins1, A. Michael2,3, S. Skene4, H. Patel1, P. Ellis1, J. Chatterjee1, A.Tailor1, S. Butler-Manuel1
8.42-8.48 Robot-assisted transabdominal cerclage M. Janošík1,2, P. Dzvinčuk1,2, R. Pilka1,2, K. Sobková1,2, S. Buláková1,2
8.48-9.00 Discussion
16.00-17.00 Chairs: R. Sinha (India), V. Kapetanakis (Greece)
16.00-16.06 Uterine manipulators, an unnecessary expense: Retrospective single centre study comparing intra-operative outcomes with and without a uterine manipulator in total robotic hysterectomy (TRH)  G. Yongue1, O. Elyashiv1, A. Olaitan1, D. Chandrasekaran1
16.06-16.12 Unidirectional Barbed Versus Single Layer Conventional Suture for Vaginal Cuff Closure in Robotic Hysterectomy: A prospective trial A. Bahadur, M. Ajmani, R. Mundhra, L. Chawla
16.12-16.18 Da Vinci SP Robot-assisted myomectomy in patient with uterine didelphys  Ji Eun Lee, MD, Yong Jae Lee, MD, PhD, Jung-Yun Lee, MD, PhD, Eun Ji Nam, MD, PhD, Sunghoon Kim, MD, PhD, Young Tae Kim, MD, PhD, and Sang Wun Kim, MD, PhD
16.18-16.24 Minimal invasive abdominal sacral colpopexy and abdominal lateral suspension: a prospective, open-label, multicenter, non-inferiority trial S. Macaluso, E. Russo1 , M. Montt Guevara1 , K. Gorkem Sacinti1,2 , G. Misasi1 , M. Falcone1 , R. Morganti3 ,L. Mereu4 , F. Dalprà5 , S. Tateo6 ,T. Simoncini1
16.24-16.30 Hand control Stuck during da Vinci xi Robotic hysterectomy : A troubleshooting approach!  Dr. Rama Joshi
16.30-16.36 Robotic excision of stage 4 endometriosis: Combining technology with basic surgical steps S. Wali, N. Dixon, J. Ahmed, M. Kaur, A. Raza
16.36-16.42 Surgical treatment of colorectal endometriosis with NOSE technique in robotic surgery Alexandr Popov, Anton Fedorov, Alexey Koval, Tamana Khabibullakh, Mikhail Belousov, Yulia Sopova, Svetlana Tyurina, Vlada Troshina
16.42-16.48 Comparison of perioperative outcomes of robotic, laparoscopic and abdominal myomectomy A Jin Lee1, Seung-Hyuk Shim1, Ji Young Hwang1, Kyeong A So1, Sun Joo Lee1, Tae Jin Kim1
16.48-17.00 Discussion
Saturday, June 10
9.00-10.00 Chairs: A. Vlachos (Greece), P. Hiridis (Greece)
9.00-9.06 Robotic removal of Neuroendocrine Tumor during hysterectomy S. Macaluso, Del Secco L. MD, Papini F. MD, Panattoni A. MD, Massimello F. MD, Simoncini T. MD PhD, Cela V. MD PhD
9.06-9.12 A retrospective single-centre analysis of sentinel lymph-node biopsy in robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery for early stage endometrial cancer F. Massimello, C. Maggiorano, C. Scandurra, A. Giannini, G. Noti, L. Sergiampietri, M. Caretto, F. Papini, A. Perutelli, P. Mannella, V. Cela, T. Simoncini
9.12-9.18 Robotic assisted laparoscopic gynaecological and gynaecological oncological procedures: single surgeon experience S. Dhevi1,R.R. Ranade1,A. Kulkarni2, T. James1
9.18-9.24 Implementation of robotic surgery for gynecological conditions: an initial report on patient safety from a large hospital in Italy T. Bignardi¹, M. L. Interdonato¹, L. Ceppi¹, L. Marchetta², M. Palucci², C. I. Aquino³, M. G. Meroni¹
9.24-9.30 Vesicovaginal fistula repair: a video demonstration of the robotically assisted (da Vinci X) laparoscopic approach E. Tsakos1,2,3, E.Μ. Xydias1,2,4, A.C. Ziogas4, G. Karydas3, V. Moros5, V. Poulakis5
9.30 - 9.36 Sentinel lymph node mapping in robotic-assisted surgery for early-stage cervical cancer: IEO experience M. Gaiano 1, G. Schivardi 2, S. Bruni 2, I. Betella 2, F. Multinu 2, A. Garbi 2, M.T. Achilarre 2, V. Zanagnolo 2
9.36-9.42 3D robotics P. Giampaolino
9.42-9.48 The Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy (Lateral VEIL) procedure Arunava Roy, Soumi Banerjee, Jaydip Bhaumik
9.48-10.00 Discussion

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