Wednesday, June 4
Pre-Congress Courses
Thursday, June 5
8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-9:00 Keynote lecture: Teaching Robotic surgery around the world
9:00-11:00 Live surgery in streaming and live scan - Bordeaux and Pisa Nurses session
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 Opening Ceremony
12:00 - 13:30 Urogynaecology: The robot and the pelvic floor Myomectomy Indian national session
Chairs: TBC Chairs: TBC
12:00-12:15 Reasons for using the robot for pelvic floor repair Robotic myomectomy: tips and tricks - A. Munoz (Spain)
12:15-12:30 The training path for a pelvic floor robotic surgeon - N. Gul (UK) Imaging for mapping for myomectomy
12:30-12:45 Standardizing robotic sacrocolpopexy - L. De Landsheere (Belgium) Less invasive myomectomy
12:45-13:00 Training and preparing for complex pelvic floor repair - T. Simmoncini (Italy) Medical approach instead of myomectomy
13:00-13:30 Discussion Discussion
13:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Industry-sponsored Symposium 1 
14:30-15:00 Big talk:  Leonardo  imaging the future: Automation and Robotics
15:00-16:30 Surgical talk show: SERGS meets EEL
Robotic-assisted surgery in deep endometriosis and adenomyosis
Oral presentation - Oncology SICMIG
Chairs: TBC
15:00-15:15 Robotic-assisted segmental resection and mucosal-sparing nodulectomy in rectal endometriosis - H. Krentel (Germany)
15:15-15:30 Robotic surgical approach for adenomyosis? - V. Cela (Italy)
15:30-15:45 Nerve-sparing robotic-assisted surgery in deep endometriosis - M. Mabrouk (UK)
15:45-16:00 Is there still a place for conventional laparoscopy in the surgical management of endometriosis - A. Constantin (Germany)
16:00-16:30 Discussion
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-19:00 YEARS German national session Spanish session
19:00 21:30 Welcome reception  
Friday, June 6
08:30-9:00 Keynote lecture
9:00- 11:00 LIVE SURGERY and live scan
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 An innovation bridge between imaging and surgery Urogynaecology Oral/ VIDEO COMUN ICATION
Chairs: Chairs:
11:00-11:15 The introduction of ICG in gynaecological robotic surgery - M. Heubner (Switzerland) Anatomy of robotics pelvic floor repair
11:15-11:30 Use of Intra-operative US, 3D reconstruction Tips and tricks for robotic sacrocolpopexy
11:30-11:45 AI-enhanced image guided surgery The robot and the pelvic floor: only sacrocolpopexy?
11:45-12:00 Novelties in preoperative planning with CT, MRI and US Multidisciplinary and multicompartmental pelvic floor repair: is the robot the way to go?
12:00-12:30 Discussion Discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch SERGS General assembly - 30 min
14:00-14:30 Big talk:  AI and humankind: co-evolution or substitution? 
14:30-15:00 Industry-sponsored Symposium 2
15:00-16:30 Hysterectomy Training and certification in robotic surgery SEGI
Chairs: TBC Chairs: TBC
15:00-15:15 Navigating hysterectomy with robotic surgery - R. Sinha (India) The importance of certification in robotic surgery Turkish session - TBC
15:15-15:30 Consensus-driven surgical process model for robotic assisted-hysterectomy: Delphi study results Simulation and Learning curve - T. Ind (UK)
15:30-15:45 Approach to complex hysterectomy - S. Bruni (Italy) GESEA pathway - T. Hebert (France)
15:45-16:00 When you do not need to perform hysterectomy Simulation in medicine
16:00-16:30 Discussion
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-18:30 Inovation in robotics Oncology   Oral comunication
Chairs: TBC Chairs: TBC
17:00-17:15 Robotic hysteroscopy - Ted Anderson (USA) Anatomy of pelvic spaces - S. Fernandez (Spain)
17:15-17:30 The evolution of image guided surgical robotics Robotic-assisted exenteration and novel aspects of compartment-based imaging - P. Van Trappen (Belgium)
17:30-17:50 TBC Has robotic radical hysterectomy evolved in a new procedure? - H. Falconer (Sweden)
17:50-18:00 Integrated OR Robotic surgery for advanced ovarian cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy - F. Fanfani (Italy)
18:05-18:30 Discussion Discussion
19:30 Networking event
Saturday, June 7
09:00-11:00 LIVE SURGERY and live scan
11:00-11:30 Keynote lecture - Robotic surgery in gynaecologic oncology: "Must Have" or "Flop" - A. Maggioni, Italy
11:30-12:00 Industry symposium
12:00-12:30 Coffee break
12:30-14:00 Oncology III - Reducing trauma in robotic surgery Oral presentations  MIRGS
Chairs: TBC
12:30-12:45 SP Robotic radical hysterectomy - E. Vizza (Italy)
12:45-13:00 SP retroperitoneal LA lymphadenecrtomy
13:00-13:15 SP inguinal lymphadenectomy
13:15-14:00 Nerve-spearing techniques for radical pelvic surgery - M. Nobbenhuis, (UK)
14:00-14:30 Discussion
14:30-14:45 Closing ceremony: V. Cela, A. Zanagnolo, H. Falconer