YEARS Session

9:00-11:00 Topic Speaker
9:00-9:05 Welcome
5’ Step into the future of surgery with 'Years'! Sergi Fernandez, Spain
9:05 - 9:50 Getting ready to be a robotic surgeon Chairs: Manou Kaur, UK, Dina El-Hamamsy, UK
12’ What I need to know before start my training? Simone Bruni, Italy
12’ Are Human factors important in robotic surgery? Manou Kaur, UK
12 How to be the best assistant Christina Uwins, UK
9’ discussion
9:50 - 10:45 Tips & tricks for beginers Chairs: Manou Kaur, UK, Eleni Karatrasoglou, Greece
12’ An appropriate lymph node assessment Nicoló Bizzarri, Italy
12’ Challenges of robotics in Urogynaecology Dina El-Hamamsy, UK
12’ How to deal with fibroids José Manuel Martínez, Spain
12’ Facilitating endometriosis surgery Andrea Panattoni, Italy
8’ discussion
10:45 - 11:00 Research now & beyond Chairs: Anumithra Amirthanayagam, UK, Eleni Karatrasoglou, Greece
15’ Future perspectives on training Rod Menchaca, Spain


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